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May 2019

Overcoming Deep False and Limiting Beliefs

Overcoming Deep False and Limiting Beliefs

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False beliefs, false traditions and unbelief are the enemies of your personal progress. They blind and halt your development and stop you from living your true purpose. Since birth you have been bombarded by these enemies, and with no fault on those propagating them as they were just passing on what was given to them. Your parents handed down traditions they have learned and were handed down, schools teach you to prepare for the world as they understand it, churches and other organizations do the same and you are left to sort it all out. Who can you trust and where can you find answers to the big questions in life?

For those that have siblings, you might be familiar with the term “hand-me-downs”. A younger sibling doesn’t get the new cloths, but gets to use the clothes of the older sibling. This makes great sense when budgets are tight and families are large. But what if I tell you the same goes for beliefs and habits. It is interesting to hear adolescents talk and share their beliefs, especially when you are familiar with their parents. Sometimes you can just hear the parent talk through their child.


Handing down information can be great of course, but we might have picked up some things that aren’t really true or that serve our best interests. The older we become the more grounded we are in those beliefs as they settle. It is important that you challenge your belief system and start creating what you want. Throughout your entire life you have been educated or even indoctrinated by others that simply handed down beliefs and you took them to be true. If it is true or not, that doesn’t even matter. What matters is that you believe it and therefore your reality has incorporated that belief.

What kinds of beliefs am I talking about? Well here are a few:

  • In order to make more money, I have to work harder
  • I have to have a college degree to make serious money
  • Seeing is believing
  • I have a disability and therefore can’t
  • Success before happiness
  • I can’t change because of my culture
  • I must keep traditions
  • That’s just the way I am

Are any of these beliefs familiar to you? If so, they might need to be challenged. Are you ready for some change and are you willing to challenge some of your beliefs, even the deep-rooted ones? Book us and let us coach you to overcome the limiting beliefs you unwittingly carry.

There are two ways to achieve change in your life, change that has a lasting impact. Change through the repetition of words and/or experiencing an emotional breakthrough.

Permanent Change

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There are two ways to achieve change in your life, change that has a lasting impact. Change through the repetition of words and/or experiencing an emotional breakthrough.

Repetition of Correct Words
We get bombarded by ideas, themes, words constantly and each has an influence upon us, even the billboard you really did not want to see. Where you put your mind’s focus will indoctrinate you to that focus. When I hear the word indoctrination, I almost hear a negative word, because of how it has been used in my life. However, I realize that the negative relationship I have had with the word indoctrination, stems from a false and negative belief. That word seems to be associated with group thinking, cults and even death as an end result.

But does the word indoctrination truly mean that? Basically, anything that garners our intention is going to influence and therefore indoctrinate us to something. All the shows we watch, blogs we read, games we play, people we associate with, will they not indoctrinate you? Well if that is the case, then this is great news and can be used to your advantage. That means you control what indoctrinates you and in turn you control your future. Yes, everything you spend any time on will change you towards that direction and can change your entire life. How fast can this occur? Well I don’t really want to put a time on it, but instantaneously is a reality in some cases.

Emotional Breakthrough
The other way to experience change is through an emotional breakthrough. These experiences can be explosive and cause a rapid or instantaneous change, both for the good and the bad. You can see evidence of this with people that have been sexually assaulted or suffered a traumatic event. The last mentioned aren’t the positive kind of emotional events, but there are ways to change an individual though positive breakthrough methods that can be equally as life-changing in the positive direction.  Many companies pay good money to have their employees gain experiences that will transform them to function better in teams and in turn increase profitability.

At Black Salt, we use both methods to encourage change in people’s lives. Our team building experiences are designed for participants to learn more about themselves and encourage change for the good, both individually and as a team.

Happiness Before Success

Happiness Before Success

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It is common to hear people say <if, then> statements. If I….., then I will ….. For example, If I had more time, then I would have more money. This is a false reality that needs addressing. Think about this, do you believe your happiness is a result of personal success? Basically, if I am successful then I will be happy. However, as you might expect I am going to posit that the opposite is actually true, happiness precedes success and is a catalyst for attaining it.

Earl Nightingale said:” Success is not the result of making money. Earning money is the result of success – and success is in direct proportion to our services.”

Why would your happiness come after positive results? This means that you can’t be happy until you obtain expected results hence if you feel stuck now you must feel unhappy. I am telling you that you can be happy in your current circumstances and control that aspect right away. Faith precedes the miracle and happiness comes before success. These are eternal truths and will set you free from false beliefs causing mental bondage.

Success is achieved because people are happy, happiness is not achieved because people are successful.

Contact Black Salt today and let us show you how you could be happier and more successful.